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1. Swiss Nutrition Research Symposium - Sustainable Diet and Metabolic Health

The Swiss Research Network – Healthy Nutrition (SRN-HN) is organizing the first symposium to assemble the community of Swiss nutrition researchers to foster scientific exchange and collaboration. The topic of the first symposium is Sustainable Diet and Metabolic Health.


Schwarzenburgstrasse 161
3003 Bern
Campus Liebefeld


Task Force Swiss Research Network - Healthy Nutrition

Organizing Committee
Guy Vergères, Kathryn Burton-Pimentel, Cécile Stäger & Ueli Bütikofer, Agroscope

Ueli Bütikofer

Datum / Zeiten
08:30 - 17:00

Sprachen englisch, französisch, deutsch
Kosten No registration fee


The symposium is primarily aimed at scientists and clinicians interested and/or involved in nutritional research covering aspects related to the functional characterization of food and diets, mechanistic studies of diet, human intervention and observational studies, consumer science, public health, translation of dietary advice to the consumer, and sustainability. The symposium is also open for stakeholders of nutrition research.
